There IS the time and money you need to do everything God created you to do!
There's not enough to do everything, everything good, or everything
everybody else wants you to do. There's not even enough to do
everything you might want to do, but because God is God,
there IS enough to do what He's calling you to do!

Come Sit on Papa, Daddy's Lap &
Succeed Out of the Overflow of That

This video and workbook will help you know what to expect when you hang out with Marnie.

Download the PDF

Let's Get You Growing!

Step Into God's Perfect Love 

Jesus did not come to save us FROM God, but to SHOW us God, and invite us into His presence. Come, sit on Daddy's lap.

Designed to Breathe the Air of Prayer

Dolphins can last 5 minutes without air. We, too, need constant physical AND spiritual air to thrive. Learn to breathe the air of prayer.

Created as a Flow Through Vessel

Created to flow God's love and life into the world, you are invited to live a SUPER-natural life here followed by eternity with Him. 
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