Feeling Loved: Experiencing God in the Moments You Have eVersion

What kind of feelings surface when you think about God? This 122-page book is a practical guide to help you understand how to maximize your enjoyment of God, no matter how busy you are!

Spiritual mentor, Marnie Swedberg, shares her simple, doable approach to enjoying God at a deeper level than you may have ever dreamed possible. Ideal as a two-hour crash course, or a ten-week personal or group study, the "Marnie Method of Connecting with God" provides a clear path from where you are to where God created you to be.

The Scripture prayers will shift your preconceived ideas about God to synchronize with His reality. The unique approach to Scripture memorization and personality-based pathways to worship may radically change how you connect with God. The personal stories, analogies and affirmations will help you snuggle into a warm, loving and fulfilling friendship with your Creator God.

Details. This is a PDF eBook.
Purchase the paperback version from Amazon here: https://amzn.to/3SWW0Ta

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